
  • How to Start a Garden

    How to Start a Garden in 15 Steps

    It’s warming up in Minnesota, and soon enough that means getting ready to spend all of the sunny, warm days outdoors. This time of year is also the time I start my garden. I’ve been gardening for the last 7 or so years, and I’ve enjoyed learning so much about growing veggies and fruits. I actually feel like an accomplished person when I can grow thriving plants out of little seeds. Throughout my journey I’ve found a lot of helpful resources online and tried a lot of different methods. Every year I continue to work on improving my skills and and learning more about this hobby. Last year I documented…

  • Winter Hiking Gear

    What to Wear for Winter Hiking: A Complete Guide

    If you’re like me, from an area with cold weather for half the year, you don’t want to spend all your time stuck inside. Whether it’s playing with your kids outside or being active on the trails, it’s important to stay warm. I’ve rounded up a list of my favorite winter hiking clothing and gear. My advice is to use what works for you and for your budget. Not everything is going to be the perfect fit for every body type or perfect for every outdoor activity. This list is meant to give some ideas and possible options. I have accumulated most of these items over time, and most of…

  • Postpartum Foot Pain

    6 Tips for Healing Postpartum Foot Pain: Flat Feet and Tendonitis

    Let’s talk about postpartum, specifically postpartum foot pain. Pregnancy impacts your body in so many ways. In postpartum you can experience bigger feet, flat feet, and even tendonitis in some more extreme cases. All of my life I’ve had flat feet with the occasional aches and pains but no specific injuries or issues. In the third trimester of my pregnancy my feet were regularly swelling (hello summer pregnancy!). Because of this I was very limited to what shoes I could wear. I had some very stretchy Sanuk yoga sandals (highly recommend them if you don’t fit into any shoes). I could also barely wear my tennis shoes as long as…

  • Postpartum Exercise & Mobility After a C-Section

    Postpartum Exercise & Mobility After a C-Section

    After an emergency c-section in July 2019, I wasn’t sure where to start with my postpartum exercise and recovery and how long it would take me to get back into a fitness routine. Obviously going for a run immediately after giving birth wasn’t my first priority or even feasible, but I’m the type of person that likes to know what to expect in the days, weeks, and months ahead. Throughout my pregnancy, I worked out and moved my body as often as I could. Towards the end I mostly went on walks (because hello short Minnesota summers). While I was pregnant, I especially missed having fitness goals to challenge myself,…

  • Completing My First Triathlon Pinterest Pin

    Completing My First Triathlon & 5 Tips for Success

    Have you ever said to yourself, “I want to complete a triathlon” or some other lofty fitness goal and then immediately second guessed yourself? In college, I (half jokingly) said I wanted to do a triathlon someday. I’m not sure how I settled on that goal, but it stuck with me ever since I said those words out loud. I had no experience on a competitive level with biking, swimming, or running. I actually wasn’t even mildly good at any of those activities. In 2011, I decided to sign up for an MS150 bike ride on a whim with a friend. Even though the ride pushed my limits, I found…

  • Emergency C-Section: 20 Tips for Recovery

    Emergency C-Section: 20 Tips for Recovery

    On July 13, 2019 I had an emergency c-section (cesarean). After 26 hours, labor was stalling, I had spiked a fever of 102, and there were some signs that Q was starting to be in distress. Although a c-section was not how I planned the birth of my daughter, it was what was best for the both of us. While I was pregnant, Ryan and I took a Labor and Delivery 101 class from the hospital. During the class, we briefly discussed cesareans and watched a short video. That prompted me to, at the very least, mentally prepare myself for all the potential scenarios of labor and delivery. I communicated…

  • PUPPP Rash Pin

    PUPPP Rash: 8 Natural Remedies

    If you find yourself experiencing pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) rash, I feel for you! I experienced this unfortunate skin condition. You may feel like you are losing your mind looking for relief, a solution, or a light at the end of the tunnel. I can’t promise you any of those, but I’d like to help others through sharing my experience and the natural remedies I used for relief. Please note that I am not a medical professional. Consult your doctor with any health concerns.   PUPPP, also known as: nurse’s late-onset prurigo Bourne’s toxemic rash of pregnancy toxic erythema of pregnancy polymorphic eruption of pregnancy It typically…

  • 10 Healthy Meal Hacks for Busy Parents

    10 Healthy Meal Hacks for Busy Parents

    As a busy parent, I still want to make sure I’m making healthy meals for me and my family with fewer ingredients. Does that always happen? No. When I haven’t prepped my meals and I don’t have an easy meal to quickly prepare, I tend to order takeout or go with a less healthy convenience option. I’m okay with that sometimes in the name of balance (and sanity!). To limit those moments, I’ve used these hacks to help me on days when I’m less prepared. Not only are these food options a healthier alternative to takeout, but many are also simple and budget friendly. For meals you can prep and…

  • Freezer Meals Pin

    10 Healthy & Easy Freezer Meals to Prep Before Baby

    One of the many things on my to-do list before having Q was to prep easy, ready-to-go freezer meals. I knew my life would be a lot busier with a newborn, and taking the thought out of what to make for meals would allow me to have more quality time with Q. The first few weeks can be filled with visitors offering to make or buy a meal, but eventually the visitors dwindle and that’s when the freezer stock pile comes in handy. Whether Paleo, Keto, or Whole30, it was important to me to choose healthier, nutrient-dense options since I was planning to breastfeed (see my post on Breastfeeding &…

  • 10 Tips to Immediately Help Improve Mastitis

    10 Tips to Immediately Help Improve Mastitis

    In the beginning of my breastfeeding journey with Q I got mastitis…three times back-to-back. Let me tell you, it was extremely painful! The pain instantly made me second guess my decision to breastfeed, and simultaneously made me appreciate just how strong women are. The first occurrence started a week after she was born. As soon as I had a fever and started showing other symptoms, I called my doctor and made an appointment. I was prescribed antibiotics and was told nursing often would be the best remedy. I likely continued to get mastitis for the first few weeks because I was prescribed a different type of medicine than they would…